Privacy Policy

AST Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


This Privacy Notice explains how AIR SERVICE TRAINING (“We”) collect the types of personal data from you when you interact with us. It also explains how we’ll store and handle that data, and keep it safe.

We are committed to comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulation.

We want you to be fully informed about your rights, and how We use your data, how it is stored and how we use data to enable us to offer you relevant and targeted offers.

From 25th May 2018 the EU General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018 replaces the Data Protection directive and this gives you new rights with regard to the privacy of your personal data.

AIR SERVICE TRAINING uses your personal data to:

  • Fulfil orders or requests and provide goods and services to you
  • Make a tailored website available to you
  • Manage any account(s) that you hold with us
  • For market research purposes - to better understand your needs
  • For crime and fraud prevention, detection and UK visa requirements
  • Where we have a legal right or duty to use or disclose your information (for example in relation to an investigation by a public authority or in a legal dispute)

What personal data do we collect?

AIR SERVICE TRAINING may collect the following information about you:

  • Your name, or business name
  • Your contact details: postal address including billing and delivery addresses, telephone numbers (including mobile numbers) and e-mail address
  • Transactions and requests made by you
  • Information supplied by you when filling in forms on our website, by post or by phone
  • your on-line browsing activities on AIR SERVICE TRAINING websites
  • Your communication and preferences
  • Details of your visits to our websites including but not limited to location, traffic data, the date and time you visit the Site, the specific pages you visit on the Site, session identifiers assigned to your visit and the address of the website you visited before coming to this Site - all of which are non-personally identifiable information. We typically use such passively collected information for a variety of purposes, such as to administer the Site, customise the Site to your preferences, and compile aggregated statistics for marketing and research purposes
  • ‘Cookies’ are small text files that store information about your interactions with a particular website, either temporarily (known as a "temporary" or "session" cookie, and deleted once you close your browser window) or more permanently on the hard drive of your computer (known as a "permanent" or "persistent cookie"). Cookies can make it easier to use a website by allowing servers to access certain information quickly. Session cookies can be used to help a user's browser navigate a website more smoothly. Persistent cookies can be used to customise a website for a user, such as by storing passwords, preferences, and registration and account information so that users do not have to re-enter them each time they visit a website
    This Site uses both session/temporary cookies and persistent cookies to store information that allows us to serve you better. To make the Site easier to use, we combine information collected via cookies with personally identifiable information. Please understand that if you set up your browser to disallow cookies, you might not be able to access important functions or areas of the Site. Learn more about what cookies we use
  • Information you offer when you report a problem with the website or social media platforms
  • Any other correspondence and communications with AIR SERVICE TRAINING
  • Our websites are not intended for children and we do not knowingly collect data relating to children
  • If you contact us or communicate with us through our social media platforms then we will contact you via your social media username to respond to queries or comments.

The legal basis we rely on for data processing

The data protection law sets out a number of reasons for the collection and processing of customers personal data and we collect and uses customers’ personal data because it is necessary for AIR SERVICE TRAINING, in achieving the following objectives:

  • To process orders and supply branded goods and services to our customers
  • To process data to fulfil our legal obligations to customers and employees
  • To enable us to comply with our legal obligations

There may be times when we need your personal data to comply with our contractual obligations for example passing on your address to our delivery partners in order to send you your order. Your name and address information will be securely stored on our system for a maximum of 220 days, after which it will then be automatically destroyed.

As part of the payment process your name, address and purchase details will be stored on the Perth College UHI Financial system and the information will be stored for a maximum period of 7 years In accordance with Perth College UHI Records Management Policy and Procedures, after which it will be destroyed. For more detailed information on the policy please visit the below link.

What you can do to help protect your data

  • We will not ask you to send any sensitive personal information either by email, text, live chat or website. This includes asking for credit card details via email.
  • Keep your account passwords private and do not share with anyone.
  • When using a public computer always log out and close the browser at the end of your session.
  • Frequently change your password and avoid using the same passwords across different accounts.

When do we collect your personal data?

  • When you visit our website, contact us by telephone, post, email.
  • When you create an account with us. Accounts are used within AIR SERVICE TRAINING to help us provide our service to you.
  • When you engage with us on social media.
  • When you leave a review online or by post, email or phone about our products and services.

 How and why do we use your personal data?

  • Enabling us to fulfil our obligation to you when you place an order, respond to your queries, process refunds or deal with requests
  • To ensure that our website is tailored to your interest, computer and browser requirements and that online orders and requests are fulfilled. Monitoring your browsing activity helps us to identify and rectify any problems with our website and protects the security and integrity of our websites. Monitoring IP addresses and email addresses also allows us to identify any possible fraudulent activity attempts

How long will we keep your personal data?

Due to the long history of the company and the long life of some of our services that we offer, we will hold you details until you ask us not to. Under the existing Aviation Regulations we are required to retain your training records for an indefinite period. If you were previously under Tier 4 we will delete all immigration related documentation 12 months after the end of your course.

Who do we share your personal data with?

We sometimes share your personal data with trusted third parties:

  • Courier companies
  • IT companies who support our website and business systems
  • UK Civil Aviation Authority
  • European Aviation Safety Agency
  • UK Visa and Immigration

We have data processing agreements with all third party companies and only provide information to them that allows them to perform their service. With the exception of our website server and data pooling companies all the information is deleted as soon as the specific service has been carried out.
Although not exhaustive we currently use the following companies who will process your personal data as part of their contracts with us:

  • Payment Processing Companies to allow us to securely take you order over the website
  • Royal Mail for parcel delivery
  • DHL/TNT for couriered items
  • UK Civil Aviation Authority
  • UK Visa and Immigration
  • European Aviation Safety Agency

For more information please contact the Compliance Monitoring Manager

Right to Request/Right of Access:

You are entitled to access all the personal data we hold about you, free of charge in most cases although if the request is deemed to be excessive we are permitted to charge a reasonable fee. To ask for this information please contact the Compliance Monitoring Manager at If for any reason we decide not to action this request we shall let you know the reasons why.

Right to Rectification

If any information we hold about you is inaccurate or incomplete you have the right to have it rectified. Please contact the Compliance Monitoring Manager at

Right to Withdraw Consent

You can change your consent at any time. If you have previously given consent you can later change your mind and withdraw that consent.
Please contact the Compliance Monitoring Manager at or change your setting in your account

Right to Erasure

You have the right to request erasure of your data except that which we have a legal obligation to hold. Please contact the Compliance Monitoring Manager at

Please contact the Compliance Monitoring Manager at

The Right to Restrict Processing

You can request that we restrict the processing of your information, for example if you believe the information we hold is inaccurate, we can suspend processing until we have investigated or rectified, or where you request restriction instead of deletion
Please contact the Compliance Monitoring Manager at

Right to Data Portability

We can supply your information in a portable format to allow you to take it to another organisation.
Please contact the Compliance Monitoring Manager at

Proof of Identity

Any requests that you make will need to be verified by your proof of identity.

Complaints and Contacting the Regulator

Any complaints regarding data protection should be emailed to our Data Protection Officer at If you feel that this has not been handled fairly or correctly then you have the right to put your complaint to the ICO. You can contact them by calling 0303 123 1113. Or go online to (please note we can't be responsible for the content of external websites). If you are based outside the UK, you have the right to lodge your complaint with the relevant data protection regulator in your country of residence.

Non-UK customers

By registering, placing an order or request with us you are expressly consenting to the processing of your data to fulfil your request. You still have the right to choose how you receive communications from us and we will of course respect your request.
If you have any questions please contact the Compliance Monitoring Manager at
Updated March 2019

Contact Us

We are very happy to help and it's best to talk. Get in touch.


Air Service Training, Brahan Building, Crieff Road, Perth, Scotland (UK), PH1 2NX.

Phone Number

+44 (0) 1738 877105

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