EASA Part 66 Frequently Asked Questions

Frequent Questions

These are some of the question you need to consider before you embark on your new career, you may have others. Should your questions not be answered here please feel free to Contact Us

What sort of engineer/technician do I want to be?

Click here to learn about the different disciplines

How much will training as an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer cost?

Costs can vary depending on your situation, it really is best to talk to us about that

How do I start to become a Certifying Aircraft Engineer?

Again, it depends on your situation and how quickly you would like to achieve that, read how to become an Aircraft Engineer for more information.

What is involved in the training?

That is a big question, much information can be found by reading become an Aircraft Engineer and our Aircraft Engineering Training pages as well as taking a close look at our courses.

What are the pre-requisites for the course?

Click here for information about the entry requirements to each of the courses

How long will is take to obtain my licence?

This depends on the licence you are working towards and the path you choose to obtain it, and of course your own effort.

The quickest that can be achieved is approximately 4 years, from start to License issue, that can only be done training with AST on our Approved Course. It is quicker because it is approved - meaning much of your experience is gained while doing the course, whereas the modular route can be longer as the professional experience requirement is done outwith the control of the AST approval process.

Modular route can take from 6 years, from beginning to end. Again this will be longer if you have no existing qualifications or experience, but could also be less if you already have existing EASA Part 66 training and professional experience.

It is not really possible to compare the routes unless we compare only using someone without experience. Modular courses benefit those with experience better.

What do I need to do before I can start working?

You need to understand the different engineering roles in aviation – and decide which one might be for you.

Best thing to do is to contact us at AST, we will help your start your training and guide you as best we can. 

Will AST provide me with a work placement for the experience requirements of licensing?

Unfortunately whilst we cannot provide a work placement for the purposes of logging the industry experience towards your licence AST is happy to support it's students and provide references upon request.

Contact Us

We are very happy to help and it's best to talk. Get in touch.


Air Service Training, Brahan Building, Crieff Road, Perth, Scotland (UK), PH1 2NX.

Phone Number

+44 (0) 1738 877105

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