The Perth Airport, Scone Campus
The campus, set within Perth Airport at Scone, consists of a modern purpose developed engineering training hangar. The training hangar incorporates state of the art classrooms and workshops together with the open hangar area which houses the practical teaching facility replicating an active commercial maintenance environment.
Nestling in the Perthshire hills, Perth Airport provides for professional and sport flying. It is home to the Scottish Aero Club and also ACS Aviation who offer pilot Training.
The airport also contains some residential accommodation, specialist retail outlets, cafeteria and a restaurant.
The entrance to the main AST training hangar which houses the aircraft, engines and systems that are used for developing the practical skills of our students.
Large Engine Training
The high by-pass large engine training area is where students are able to experience the size and complexity of modern engines, and complete maintenance and inspection tasks on them. In addition to our 2 X CF6 Engines, AST also has a number of Rolls-Royce Nimbus Gas Turbine Engines on which the students will train.
Modern Classrooms
Shown here is one of the modern, fully IT equipped and air-conditioned classrooms that are part of the facility contained within the hangar.
Student Refectory
The student refectory area provides seating and refreshments during breaks in training and an area to study while preparing to work on the aircraft.
Practical Training Area
This is a view of the hangar practical training area that shows the light and spacious environment used during the aircraft practical phases of each course.